Thursday 24 September 2015

Uint 1 Pre production

Unit 1: Pre-Production Techniques for the Creative Media Industries – Finance – Task 2
Making a game will cost a lot of money, to buy development kits, recording software and expensive equipment. So if you make a game that lots of people really like, then publishing companies will want to buy it, which will return lots of money and maybe you’ll make profit. It can be risky though because if your game isn’t popular, no publisher will want it, all the time and money you put into making that game are essentially wasted.
Indie Funding
Indie funding is very smart because it can cost nothing or cost very little to create a good game. The creator can create the game in their spare time whilst gaining money from a day job. This may mean that the game will take longer to make. There’s a funding source called ‘The Indie Fund’ which was created by a group of independent game creators that are widely successful.   

Crowd Funding
A hugely popular website called ‘Kickstarter’ is a crowd funding site that gathers money from donators of the public for certain products or services. Lots of games get funded this way because it obviously funds the game, but also shows how many people are willing to pay for the game which means the game already essentially has been bought by some people. 

Grants are basically loans, where people can loan money from grant companies so that the people can create their business and start earning money, then that company will pay back the grant so others can take out loans. However, grants aren’t always given. Lots of people want grants so grant companies give the grants to people that they think will be successful.

Publishers will find games in development that they think have potential and they will help them create the game and distribute it. Video game publishers are responsible for their product's manufacturing and marketing. A huge publisher such as ‘Activision’ publish thousands of games.

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